2023 | 12 – Artificial Intelligence for safety-critical applications

Return from the ICSRS

Our colleagues from Tecnalia participated to the 7th International Conference on System Reliability and Safety (ICSRS) and presented the results of a joint investigation carried out along the year.

  • Tecnalia is a research institution from Basque Country in Spain. They specialize in emerging technologies.

  • Anzen and Tecnalia have been collaborating since 2021, investigating advanced methods for systems engineering, safety and reliability analysis.

  • The work that was presented at ICSRS focussed on discussing the applicability of traditional safety analysis techniques (fault trees, FMEA) to new systems embarking Artificial Intelligence.

This collaboration will be extended through 2024, continuing the investigations around systems engineering and safety.

New collaboration

In November we started another collaboration, this time with the Software division of IMDEA

IMDEA is a research institution based in Madrid.
We will colaborate in an exploratory study to extend the capabilities of Model Based Safety Analysis, looking in particular into the application of formal analysis techniques derived from software engineering to the analysis of complex cyberphysical systems.

Requirement Management Toolbox

The systems engineering team is consolidating an additional module that will be soon integrated into the Atica4Capella suite.

This module allows to import and export requirements from / to the model based systems engineering platform; facilitating interoperability between MBSE and most requirement management tools.
The module also allows full customization to implement additional funcionalities.

More info here.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Our last newsletter of the year… thanks for following us and hope to keep seeing you in the coming months!