2023 | 09 – First release of ATICA4CAPELLA!

First release of ATICA4CAPELLA

The first release of ATICA4CAPELLA is now online!!

The plugin can be downloaded from here

More information about ATICA4CAPELLA and how to get started is available in the wiki.

Capella webinar – getting started with Capella

More information and registration available here: Capella Webinar | Digitally Assisted Design for Safety

Special thanks to Capella and OBEO for having us

If you missed it, checkout the video recording and download the Webinar slides

ESA Software Product Assurance Workshop

The European Space Agency (ESA) organizes the Software Product Assurance Workshop from the 25th to 28th September in Madrid, Spain.

We will be there presenting our vision about the use of digital tools to support the systems engineering process, the complete presentation could be found here.

The full programme of the workshop is available here.